Romanticize Bedtime with a Turn-down Routine
I recall a segment of a podcast from several years back where the guest discussed her process of recreating turn-down routines for her family based on visits to luxury hotels around the world. It was described as a way to embrace the beauty of each day rather than rushing through life unsatisfactorily until the next adventure, event or vacation. As I’ve fallen out of the habit, I thought this would be the perfect time to reinstate the practice.
Below are considerations for curating your unique at-home turn-down routine.
Set the mood: pick a scent to carry you through your turn-down journey via candles, incense or an essential oil diffuser. Dim lights to a relaxing level. Turn on a calming, inspirational, meaningful or joyful playlist. These elements are foundational to the turn-down routine as they will influence the remainder of the experience.
Get comfy: slip into your coziest slippers or socks, your favorite PJs and a plush or silk robe (depending on the season!).
Grab a nightcap: whether it’s cherry juice, tea, warm water or scotch - mindfully sip on a beverage before or during your routine. Many years ago I was talking with my uncle about my nighttime “checks” which had become cumbersome yet compulsive. He expressed that he had a similar routine, but that he carried with him a small glass of liquor. By the time he reached his night-stand, the drink had been consumed, and his mood lightened. I loved the charm and serenity of that custom and how that type of added touch could elevate my uninspired process to a gratifying activity.
Prep your bed: remove extra pillows and blankets, spritz a linen spray on your pillow and activate your electric blanket.
Splurge on a treat: close-out the night with a small treat like a fancy chocolate, caramel or mint. Pair your treat with your beverage for added fun and panache.
Hydrate: fill a glass or bottle of water for your bedside table, and (for dry-climate folks) crank up your humidifier.
Indulge in skincare: don a red light or serum-based face mask, apply your favorite body lotion on your hands and décolletage and treat your lips to a hydrating balm.
Make your rounds: draw curtains, tidy as needed and prep for the next day (write reminders on a sticky note, stage items you’ll need first thing in the morning, assemble your outfit, etc.).
Put screens away: enjoy a few quite moments via a book, magazine, meditation or manifestation. Reflect on the day that is set to close (what you enjoyed, what you were grateful for) and what thoughts, energy and practices to carry with you to the next day.
Create a menu: curate a variety of turn-down routines (perhaps based on the season) or elements of a routine that you can mix and match. Incorporate current favorites, new finds or seasonal additions to sustain your turn-down tradition.
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