10 Sneaky Ways to Stay Active All Day Long
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I have a large appetite. More often than not, I eat more than I need — filling my plate too full or enjoying a few sweet treats. Being unwilling to reduce my portions as it would strip me of some joy in life, I compensate by staying active throughout the day. I find this to be a major key to success in maintaining a healthy weight — and I feel physically better and stronger the more I move. Below are some of my tips on how to sneak movement into your day in way that doesn’t feel tiresome or time consuming.
top tips
#1 If you sit most of the day, think of a reason to get up fairly often, every 10-15m if possible
Go to the bathroom, prep for a meal, check the mail, talk to a co-worker, look out the window
If you are in an appropriate spot, add 5-10 push ups or 30 seconds of jumping jacks while up & about
#2 Play with your pets
Throw toys, wave a ribbon, gently chase them around a room
Depending on their size, march in place while holding them for cuddles and an added weight to superset your movement
#3 Do a few minutes of simple movement every 15-20 minutes while watching TV
Stand on one leg at a time to practice your balance, march in place, walk in circles around the room, hula hoop, do arm circles or light lunges, etc.
Plan something to do at each commercial break, even if only 60 seconds, that is away from the couch (e.g., brush your teeth, prep coffee for the morning, pick out tomorrow’s outfit)
#4 Save podcast episodes you're excited about for an outdoor walk
This will motivate you to get in some movement and vitamin D - and you may end up staying out longer if you’re engrossed in the content
#5 Lean into home tasks
Volunteer to do dishes, light cleaning, laundry, etc.
When moving from one task to the next, walk around the house with ferver (i.e., power walk, engage your core and pump your arms)
#6 Do light yard work
Water & deadhead plants, pull weeds, sweep astray dirt or mulch
Use a watering can instead of a hose to achieve more steps and utilize the weight as a mild arm workout#
#7 Go to the store instead of buying online
If you have time, purchase your items in-person even if you don’t need the item(s) immediately. Perusing a store is a great way to stay mobile and navigating a shopping cart engages your core and arms
Park further from your destination instead of the closest available spot to encourage more walking
#8 Sit on the floor
Standing from a sitting position is a solid health-boosting activity
While down there, sporadically do a few leg lifts, crunches or gentle stretching
#9 Be fidgety
Tap your toes to a song, shift your position on a chair or couch, jiggle your knees / legs, use a fidget toy
Gesture with your hands when talking, walk or sway back and forth when on the phone
Much to the dismay of your elementary school teacher, every slight movement is helpful
#10 Take a stroll around the house before bed
I call these "checks": walk through the house turning off lights, putting things away, folding blankets, closing curtains, unplugging chargers, making sure windows are closed and appliances are off, etc.
A great way to get in your final movements of the day and tidy the house, to boot!
Hopefully the above list provides a little inspiration. There are endless opportunities to remain active during the day — get creative and remember that small bursts of activity may not seem noteworthy in the moment, but everything counts at the end of the day :)
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The information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your physical activity regimen. Reliance on any information provided in this blog post is solely at your own risk.